While Todo Verde was founded as a plant-based brand, and we proudly share plant-forward recipes on our channels and in live cooking demonstrations nationwide, some of our customers do use our seasonings on dishes with meat. 

The truth is, we’re grateful to see our brand stored in your pantry, no matter how you use it! However, there are some key things to know about using our intentionally plant-based seasonings on meat. 

Why we chose to be plant-based

Our Founder Jocelyn created Todo Verde in 2015 as a way to honor timeless cultural dishes and plant-forward eating. While dealing with her own thyroid concerns, her family’s health was in crisis. Her father was dealing with diabetes and a second round of cancer, while her mother struggled with hypertension and high cholesterol. Jocelyn recognized the profound potential of changing what they each consumed, and it changed her life forever, leading her to start our brand, Todo Verde, publish a plant-based cookbook, La Vida Verde, and spread the word about the power of eating plant-based in her everyday life and work. 

But isn’t Mexican food supposed to have meat?

If we journey back to the pre-Columbian era, our Founder (a former college professor) argues, before the influx of pork, chicken, and beef through the Spanish conquest, the essence of "traditional" looks a little different. During those early days, our Indigenous Mexican ancestors embraced a plant-based lifestyle as the norm.

Vegan Mexican Spiced Chicken Wings by Todo Verde

This image features air-fried chicken wings seasoned with Todo Verde, and is owned by Zubi's Salsa & Dips.

What you need to know about using Todo Verde seasonings on meat

Our seasonings, including Al Pastor, Carnitas, and Tinga, are intended to be used on foods without much natural flavor, such as jackfruit and cauliflower, meaning they’re packed with 2x the flavor of a seasoning intended to be used on meat. As such, our Founder recommends you use about half a seasoning pack on meat, and work your way up to add more if necessary.

What meats do people add Todo Verde seasonings to?

Some customers use our Carnitas seasoning on pulled pork for tacos, and our Tinga on chicken to make stew. Others use our Al Pastor on meat and fish for burritos and tacos alike, adding pineapple for that authentic Al Pastor taste. 

While Todo Verde stands firmly in our belief of plant-forward eating, we welcome you to share the various ways you use our seasonings at home by tagging us on Instagram. If you’re ever interested in integrating more plant-based dishes into your routine, our Founder’s cookbook, La Vida Verde, is a great place to start. 

May 15, 2023